social media marketing software

The Platform

Social Monitoring + Messaging

Expand visibility into prospect conversations beyond the website with social media marketing software.

Our social media software takes notice and takes action when you are mentioned on social - with the ability to respond.

A simple way to grab social profiles.

Use the social login feature to get a more comprehensive set of personal data from the person’s social profile(s). Oppstimize social media marketing software integrates with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram.

Put your ear to the Twitter tracks.

Monitor for activities in hashtags or mentions of Twitter handles. As people use the hashtag or mention that you're monitoring, they are automatically added to your contact list. You can reach out and use this information in your campaigns.

Reach out and Tweet someone.

Tweet to a contact from a campaign using dynamic decisions, or send them ad-hoc from a messaging channel. Messages can be tailored to the contact with tokens: twitter handle, asset links, and page links. Our social media marketing software makes it possible.

Check it out!

We provide a comprehensive demo while answering any questions you have about marketing automation.
Our Mission

Lead a nimble community of marketers that aspire to make every customer journey purposeful and personal.

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